Put your conventional skills to use in one of the many careers that manufacturing has to offer.
Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.
Strengthen your performance with a career that fits your personality.
Choosing a career that fits your personality type is an important step toward a successful and productive career as well as job satisfaction. Like what you do each day, your future depends on it.
Understanding your personality will help you identify careers that fit who you are and put you on the right path.
Explore the careers below to find out if one might be right for you.
Don’t see one listed that interests you? Contact us to learn about more careers in the field.
Conventional Traits
- Likes statistics, data, and logical processes; and prefers structured activities.
- Enjoys systematic type of work, potentially mathematically and scientifically based.
- Sees value in economic growth and success.
- Views themselves as organized, likes to accomplish things in a systematic fashion and generally has a set plan for things.
How Do I Get Started?
There are many resources available in the region to learn about opportunities in advanced manufacturing. You can contact one of our partner companies directly to see about career opportunities, attend some upcoming events, or contact us with any questions and we can direct you to the right resources.