Goodwill of the Heartland

Changing the lives of those we serve

Every day, Goodwill changes lives in southeast Iowa and the Quad City Area. We touch the lives of thousands of people each year as we advance the social and economic well-being of people who experience barriers to independence.

Our Goodwill roots are deep and began in Boston in 1902 as Iowa native Edgar J. Helms introduced the philosophy of “a hand up, not charity.”

Locally, Goodwill was founded in 1965 as Goodwill Industries of Southeast Iowa following work by the Iowa City Kiwanis Club, the Association for Retarded Citizens (now known as the ARC) and Col. Brooks Booker. Fifty years later Goodwill of the Heartland works under that same spirit of partnership, with a focus toward enhancing opportunities for those facing barriers to independence.

Today, we serve thousands of individuals through a variety of basic and intensive services in 16 Iowa counties and 3 Illinois counties. We are governed by a board of directors representative of our service areas and managed by our Senior Leadership Team.

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Goodwill of the Heartland


1410 S. First Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52240

Company Information

Founded: 1965 in Iowa
Number of employees: 500+
Employment Opportunities:
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